He’s the author of a critique on Sir William Hamilton’s concept of perception, on Huxley’s doctrine of protoplasm, and on Darwinianism, besides a translation of Schwegler’s “History of Philosophy,” with notes, a highly serviceable work. Stella, the title beneath which Swift has immortalised Hester Johnson, the story of whose life is inseparably entwined with that of the good Dean; was the daughter of a lady-companion of Lady Gifford, the sister of Sir William Temple, who, it is conjectured, was her father. Stirling, William Alexander, Earl of, poet, born at Menstrie, near Alloa; was for a time tutor to the family of Argyll; was the writer of sonnets known as “Aurora,” some curious tragedies, and an “Elegy on the Death of Prince Henry”; he was held in excessive honour by James VI. Stewart, Balfour, physicist, born in Edinburgh; after finishing his university curriculum went to Australia and engaged for some time in enterprise; returned to England; turned director at Kew Observatory, and professor of Natural Philosophy at Owens College, Manchester; made discoveries in radiant heat, and was one of many founders of spectrum analysis (q.
He prosecuted his medical studies for a length of time in his native metropolis, however afterwards repaired to Leyden, to avail himself of the benefits of its celebrated university. 433-1177 (University Press of Florida, 1994), pp. Stewart, Dugald, Scottish philosopher, born in Edinburgh, son of Matthew Stewart; attended the High school and the University; studied one session at Glasgow underneath Dr. Reid; assisted his father in conducting the mathematical lessons in Edinburgh, and succeeded Adam Ferguson within the Moral Philosophy chair in 1785, a post, the lively duties of which he discharged with sign success for twenty-5 years, lecturing on a variety of topics linked with metaphysics and the science of mind; he wrote “Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind,” “Philosophical Essays,” &c.; “His writings,” says Carlyle, who held him in excessive veneration, “are not a philosophy, but a making prepared for one. It’s to not the credit of his country that Dr. Stirling has never been elected to a chair in any of her universities, although it is understood that is due to the unenlightened way of thinking of electoral our bodies in regard to the Hegelian system and the prejudice towards it, notably among the many clergy of the Church.
The Country of the blind: the Soviet system of thoughts control. Stephen, the identify of nine Popes; S. I., Pope from 253 to 257, signalised by his zeal towards the heresies of his time; S. II., Pope from 752 to 757, in whose reign, beneath favour of Pepin le Bref, started the temporal power of the Popes; S. III., Pope from 768 to 772, sanctioned the worship of saints and pictures; S. IV., Pope from 816 to 817; S. V., Pope from 885 to 891, distinguished for his charity; S. VI., Pope from 896 to 897, strangled after a reign of 18 months; S. VII., Pope from 829 to 831, totally below the management of his mistresses; S. VIII., Pope from 939 to 942; S. IX., Pope from 1057 to 1058, vigorously opposed the sale of benefices and the immorality of the clergy. Steward, Lord High, in early occasions the highest workplace of state in England, rating in power subsequent to the sovereign; hereditary during many centuries, the workplace lapsed within the reign of Henry IV., and since has been revived only on particular occasions, e.
Sternhold, Thomas, principal creator of the primary English metrical model of the Psalms, initially connected to the Prayer-Book as augmented by John Hopkins; continued basically use till Tate and Brady’s model of 1696 was substituted in 1717; was a Hampshire man, and held the submit of Groom of the Robes to Henry VIII. Steinthal, Heymann, German philologist, born at Gröbzig, in Anhalt; studied at Berlin, the place in 1863 he became professor of Comparative Philology, and in 1872 lecturer on the Jewish Highschool on Old Testament Criticism and Theology; writer of varied realized and acute works on the science of language; b. Stephen, Leslie, man of letters, born at Kensington, educated at Eton and Trinity Hall, Cambridge, of which he turned a Fellow; grew to become editor of the Cornhill and of the first 26 volumes of the “Dictionary of National Biography”; is the author of “Hours in a Library” and “History of English Thought in the Eighteenth Century,” books which have produced a deep impression; has also produced several biographies, distinguished at once by accuracy, elegance, and critical acumen; b. Sterne, Laurence, English humourist, born at Clonmel, Ireland, son of Roger Sterne, captain within the military; his mom an Irishwoman; was educated at Halifax and Cambridge, by-and-by took orders, and obtained livings in Sutton and Shillington, grew to become a prebend at York, and eventually got a living at Coxwold; in 1759 appeared the primary two volumes of “Tristram Shandy,” and in 1767 the final two; in 1768 his “Sentimental Journey,” and within the interim his “Sermons,” equally characteristic of the man as the 2 former productions.