Skye (16), next to Lewis the biggest of the Hebrides Islands, belongs to the Inner group, and is included in Inverness-shire, from the mainland of which it’s separated by the narrow channel Kyle Rhea; has a deeply indented coast-line, and a picturesquely diversified surface of mountain, moor, and loch; essentially the most notable features being the lofty Coolin Hills (highest level 3234 ft.), Loch Coruisk, Glen Sligachan, and the wild columnar peak of basalt, the Quiraing; sheep and Highland cattle are raised, and worthwhile ling, cod, and herring fisheries are carried on in the coastal waters. Sloane, Sir Hans, physician and naturalist, born in co. Down, Ireland, of Scotch descent; settled as a physician in London; attained the best distinction as a professional man; his museum, which was a large one, of pure objects, books, and MSS. Socrates, Athenian philosopher, pronounced by the Delphic oracle the wisest of males; was the son of Sophroniscus, a statuary, and Phænarete, a midwife; was brought up to his father’s career, wherein it would appear he gave promise of success; he lived all his days in Athens, and gathered about him as his pupils all of the ingenuous youth of the city; he wrote no e book, propounded no system, and founded no school, but was ever abroad in the thoroughfares in all weather talking to whoso would hear, and instilling into all and sundry a love of justice and truth; of quacks and pretenders he was the sworn foe, and he cared not what enmity he provoked if he might persuade one and another to think and do what was proper; “he was so pious,” says Xenophon in his “Memorabilia,” “that he did nothing with out the sanction of the gods; so simply, that he never wronged anyone, even in the least diploma; so much master of himself, that he by no means preferred the agreeable to the good; so clever, that in deciding on the higher and the worse he by no means faltered; in brief, he was the best and happiest man that could probably exist;” he failed not to incur enmity, and his enemies persecuted him to demise; he was charged with not believing within the State religion, with introducing new gods, and corrupting the youth, convicted by a majority of his judges and condemned to die; thirty days elapsed between the passing of the sentence and its execution, during which period he held converse with his friends and talked of the immortality of the soul; to a suggestion of escape he turned a deaf ear, drank the hemlock potion prepared for him with excellent composure, and died; “the distinction between Socrates and Jesus Christ,” notes Carlyle in his “Journal,” “the great Conscious, the immeasurably great Unconscious; the one cunningly manufactured, the other created, residing and life-giving; the epitome this of a grand and fundamental variety among men; however did any actually great man ever,” he asks, “go by means of the world with out offence, all rounded in, so that the present moral systems might discover no fault in him?
Socialism, a social system which, in opposition to the aggressive system that prevails at current, seeks to reorganise society on the premise, in the main, of a sure secularism in religion, of neighborhood of interest, and co-operation in labour for the frequent good, agreeably to the democratic spirit of the time and the adjustments required by the rise of individualism and the decay of feudalism. While second-wave feminism operated by way of coalition constructing and mass activism, third-wave feminism emphasized individualism. Socotra (10), an island off the E. coast of Africa, 148 m. Slave Coast, title given to the Bight of Benin, in West Africa, from Lagos to the Volta River. Idaho, forming the Shoshone Falls, rivalling Niagara, which they exceed in top; via Southern Washington it flows W. below the name of the Lewis River or Fork, and discharges into the Columbia after a course of 1050 m. Sligo, 1, a maritime county of North-West Ireland (98), within the province of Connaught; fronts the Atlantic on the N. between Mayo (W.) and Leitrim (E.), Roscommon forming the S. boundary; the land, sloping N. to the coast from the Ox Mountains, is mainly beneath grass for cattle pasture, and divided into small holdings; Sligo Bay is a nice sheet of water, and within the S. and E. are the picturesque Loughs Arrow and Gill; the manufacture of coarse woollens and linens and fishing are the principal industries; the Moy, Owenmore, and Garvogue are navigable rivers.
Sleswick-Holstein (1,217), a province of North Prussia, stretching up to Denmark, between the North Sea and the Baltic; varied canals cross the country, bearing to the coast the export produce-corn and cattle; the land is extremely cultivated, and fishing is a crucial trade on the Baltic coast; Flensburg, the chief seaport, and Sleswick (15), the capital, are each situated on inlets of the Baltic; the latter lies 28 m. Portree is the chief city and port, but is little better than a small village. Snake River, chief tributary of the Columbia; rises in Wyoming amid the Rockies; flows S. and NW. Snowdon, a mountain vary in Carnarvon, North Wales, extending from the coast to close to Conway; it has 5 distinct summits, of which Moel-y-Wyddfa (the conspicuous peak) is the best, being 3560 ft.; the simplest ascent is from Llanberis on the N., and is the route often taken by tourists, for whose behoof there is a house on the summit. W. of Tiree, on the west coast of Scotland; the light is a revolving one; is seen at the distance of over 18 nautical miles.
NE. of Cape Guardafui, over 70 m. 2), Christ’s Resurrection was to be manifested to men in the same way as Divine issues are revealed. Yet I converse this by the use of supposition, to the top that you just would possibly grant me the remainder. Not figuring out how far it might pattern to the north-west, Lieutenant Shortland stood out to the south. Smithfield or Smoothfield, an open house of ground in London, N. of Newgate, lengthy famous for its live-stock markets; in olden occasions lay exterior the town walls, and was used as a spot of recreation and of executions; the scene of William Wallace’s execution and the dying of Wat Tyler; step by step surrounded by the encroaching city, the cattle-market grew to become a nuisance, and was abolished in 1855; is partly laid out as a garden. After Kyrin arrived we trucked down to Grant’s place to begin the office furniture, in the type of a corner desk with hutch, and a CPU cabinet with its personal hutch, which amounts to about 4 hundred pounds of stuff in complete.